
Who knew that a simple piece of paper looking like an oversized business card could bring me so much joy and hope for the future? I’ve suffered from asthma since I was a kid, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been terrified of getting COVID-19. After anxiously waiting for my number to be called for months, I finally received my first vaccine last Saturday.

As I walked down the long hallway into the vaccination area, I felt a wave of emotion come over me and my eyes filled with tears. The hallway was oddly reminiscent of a sky bridge, and for the briefest of moments, I think I actually believed that I was boarding a plane. Then I realized that I was still taking a vital step in the journey towards being able to travel again.

In fact, we’ve already booked our trip to Italy for the end of summer. That might sound a little crazy, because the border isn’t even open yet, but we needed something to look forward to. So we’re wearing our masks, waiting for our next vaccines, and planning a trip to make up for the one that was cancelled last year. I’m energized by this new sense of hope and I’m excited about rediscovering the world (whether it’s just right outside my door or across the globe).




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